[EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately, the Bunny Ears Office Dog is stepping down from his role, so our HR Department asked him to provide his thoughts on his time here, as well as on the work environment in general. He had a lot to say.] Name and Position? Descarti B. 2 years old. Barketing Coordinator. Why are […]
Ain’t no party like an office party ’cause an office party is necessary to your livelihood! At the Bunny Ears office, we have an office party every 15 minutes to boost morale, consisting of an IV cleanse and a mandatory meditation seminar. For those of you who don’t work at the healthiest place on Earth, here […]
Scrub off dead skin cells AND all those disgusting comments you heard today.
Interoffice politics need not be complicated.
Things are so awkward now.
‘I think something might be up with him.’
I’m going to kick their ass.
That’s right. Constantly splooging!
You wanna throw coffee in your boss’s face but it has to be the right kind because you are above all, professional.
We dove deep to find out exactly where you should be pooping. You’re welcome!
Hey Janice just wanted to let you know that sweater is super cute and also cancer but you’ve got like thirty years.
Pretty soon I stopped saying, “I’m sorry, why is this extra hot latte I asked for undrinkably hot? Are you trying to kill me via Starbucks?” and started saying, “Thank you for burning my tongue and ruining my day, you incompetent shit.”
Oh gross, they barfed in this excerpt. C’mon!
I can get so much done now!