Where Are They Now: Head

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What does everybody want?! Fans of 1990s professional wrestling know there’s only one right answer to that question: The loose mannequin head known simply as “Head.”

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Head and pro wrestler Al Snow’s storied career began in the bingo halls of ECW, when a confused Snow started carrying Head around after he misheard a double entendre from Mick Foley. Their partnership continued to the glitz and glam of the WWF, where Snow earned the company’s European, Hardcore, and Tag Team titles. The collaboration culminated in a 1999 Hardcore Title match on WWF’s Sunday Night Heat—one that wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer referred to as “really something.”

Those were the glory days. Folks at Marriotts and Sheratons all over America knew exactly who Head was (she even had a “usual” at the diner). But after Snow left the WWE in 2008 and nearly a decade of decadence, Head returned to the discount Cleveland beauty supply store from which she came.

Or Did She?

After a disoriented Snow mistook Head for an old cabbage and threw her into the Pacific Ocean, Head spent years floating as part of The Great Pacific garbage patch. That was where she became home to a small family of kelp and a sickly hermit crab. With her future as literal garbage in front of her, Head accepted that her days in the squared circle were far behind her … until she got the call from NXT earlier this year.

The rumors surrounding her supposed affair with The Fiend’s lantern are COMPLETELY unfounded. They’re just friends. If she was ever going to join a cult, it would have been back in the day with the Corporate Ministry when Mideon made her that “offer she couldn’t refuse” (but thankfully did). Today, Head spends her time training the younger generation of pro wrestling-adjacent mannequins, with a special focus on the mannequin that holds Velveteen Dream’s crazy glasses and scarves.

Needless to say, her legacy as a plastic mannequin head carried into the ring by a moderately popular mid-carder will never be forgotten.

Image: WWE

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