Macaulay Culkin Visits The Modern Rogue In Austin, Texas For Explosions and Crime Solving!

Warren! In case you missed it, I went to Texas! Specifically, Austin. More specifically, I went to film some videos with The Modern Rogue! If you’re not familiar with The Modern Rogue, Brian Brushwood and Jason Murphy field test all sorts of badass, Do-It-Yourself hacks, tactics and hooliganry that will make you the most interesting person in the room. Unless I’m in the room. Then you’re like the second most interesting person. Maybe third. Really it depends on the room.
The whole team is great and we had a blast! Multiple blasts were had!
In our first video (seen above) me and the Modern Rogue team solved crimes using the bloodstain analysis knowledge we learned that day. I now know how to tell if blood was splattered in a variety of ways depending on the impact. I have at least as much knowledge as a TV CSI and that’s good enough for me!
The video was partially filmed on location at the new Modern Rogue Headquarters. It’s this real spooky old house on a huge bit of land where some crazy old hippie/sex cult group used to chill in the 60’s. It was pretty rad.
Our second video I confirmed that hydrogen is a lie, even though we did make some stuff explode with it Either hydrogen is a lie or we’re really terrible at science. I refuse to believe the latter. Please don’t try any of this at home, for we are trained scientists.
As if those two videos weren’t entertaining enough here’s a small sample of some behind-the-scenes photos from the trip:
Austin is such a wonderful place and I can’t wait to return! Be sure to give The Modern Rogue some love, as they were great hosts and swell dudes. Also they smell nice.
Mack out!
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Macaulay, This is Kevin Magee from Magee,Mississippi.. How are you doing? I really love your Bunny Ears website and podcast… I would really love for you to come down to my home town of Magee,Mississippi one day… I would love to take you to Zip’s for a Zip Burger and I’d also love to take you out for Pizza.. You’ve been looking so good lately and I enjoyed seeing you on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.. That was cool.. I love the Home Alone movies and I also enjoyed getting a copy of your book Junior.. Junior was a good book, but I didn’t quite understand it, what’s the story behind Junior? I think you’d really enjoy Magee, it’s a neat town located just right between Jackson and Hattiesburg.. I was really hoping you’d come to Magee this year (2018) before my birthday (July 27th) but seeing how my birthday has already passed, I guess I’ll just keep on waiting for you!!!! I’ll see you soon.. By the way I purchased a Bunny Ears T-shirt and I love it!!!! I enjoyed your band The Pizza Underground…. What day do you go to Camp No Counselors? After Camp No Counselors, do you think you’d be able to come to Magee? As far as a meeting place for me and you to meet up in Magee, I’m really not sure, as Magee is just a small town with not very many businesses in the area, Population as of 2018 is 4,418, but the town is growing quite big these days.. Maybe we can meet up at the Magee Post Office (The place where my mother works) and we’ll go from there.. I might also take you downtown and I might also take you to Dairy Queen for some ice cream!!!!!! I’ve called the Bunny Ears podcast and left a few voice mail messages.. If possible, I’d like to hear my voice being played back on the podcast at the end of the show!!!!! Also how do you submit a Color of the month?
Kevin Magee
I really enjoyed both episodes and the interview (patreon things). It looked like a lot of fun, and I can definitely say I’ll be checking out more of bunny ears now that I’m aware of it. Y’all looked like you had a lot of fun and would love to see more again.
I really enjoyed both episodes and the interview. It looked like a lot of fun, and I can definitely say I’ll be checking out more of bunny ears now that I’m aware of it. You all looked like you had a lot of fun and would love to see more again.
Cool!!!! watched the first coupl min but stopped. Not bc it’s not cool but actually bc I MyPhone keeps notifying me n I need to see who liked my selfie so Now I don’t even remember what happenedt next and I cant keeep going back every time. I will come back, MAC. oh i NEED baphobunny tshirt. doing to ask the dude who plays Santa every year at walmart if he can aks his elves to get one. You might get email from some short weirdos so dont mark as spam. Mom says to tell you T R U MP and is fist-pumping at ya.. tcare
I far prefer this to Infowars.
These blood spatter insights are quite comforting. Can they really be trusted? Like, did these guys study stuff to learn it? My friend thinks that’s not the way police would believe it went down is all.
HI Buny. ✌✌ all the best😊
Ante, Sorry hy bunny✌✌
Sorry,hi bunny ✌✌
Sorry hi, bunny ✌✌
Sorry I Send 3 times something wrong. Good luck
I arrived in Austin around the same time. 7200 miles of website free zig zags to reach a final destination and fulfill a goal I was told was a fool’s errand many times before. Nevermind how much I hoped you respond but not needing to check back. This is my beleaguered existence for being loyal to what other people classify as madness. I’m ok now and I have a PhD that I don’t need so that’s why your response to my two sentences meant the world. I’m glad you know of Austin. It’s a jewel but I won’t bother with local pizza. Just Arlo’s and my hope that late is not without benefits.
Fooling is not sneaky but helps ninjas.