Brian Steele is a writer living in Los Angeles. He's written and produced content for companies such as Funny Or Die, FreMantle Media, IFC, MyDamnChannel, Splitsider and TruTV. You can check out his work at
If you’re raising one of these “cage-free children,” you’re a crappy parent. There, we said it.
Will they be able to keep up with all those little creeps, goobers, freak-balls and toenail chewers? I’m just not convinced.
We asked a team of experts.
A few easy tricks to help soften the blow.
It’s that time of year again!
Every dad has a pants pickle ready to tickle, but we don’t always put it out there in the best light. Well that ends now.
Or do you hate your children too much help them succeed?
Is it possible I jumped the gun?
Are our kids spending too much time plopped in front of their families, growing lazy from all that unconditional love? Heck yes!
This needs to stop. My mother’s threatening to leave.
What the real danger is here? A virus I specifically designed to kill 90% of the population, or the untested vaccine for it? I think you know my answer.
We asked our very own Bunny Ears team what they’ve always wanted from their Valentine. Pay attention! Chances are your special someone will want one of these romantic gifts too.
Full disclosure, your husband emailed to us because your sex life sounds like a mess.
Seriously just fucking take them.
You probably wouldn’t even know what to do if you did get into one anyway.
The question job applicants dread.
Hear me out.
Fuck! Are you feeling this?
And not even one of the good subs
He was known as The Captain back then.
We really meant to get into this whole workout thing, but then we just got carried away with the fucking. You get it, right?
Which one is worse though?
Nothing beats curling up with a good book, flipping through its pages, holding it right side up, and, of course, telling people you’re reading it so they think you’re smart.