You may be surprised by these findings.
100% of people who breathe oxygen will die at some point in their life.
Yes, your eyes WILL fly out of your head and dangle on your cheeks. But you’ll have confronted your fears in the process.
Do you panic during surgery? Do you constantly fear getting lost in the mall?
We made a mistake, okay?
You might never be able to stay at any Marriott-affiliated hotel or resort again. But it’s worth it!
It’s easy!
Want to save the planet AND keep being an unimprovable slob? Our biodegradable work-out equipment lets you finally feel good about doing nothing!
You’re probably used to singing the worst karaoke songs ever. If you’re one of those people who love singing songs that end too quickly, this is for you.
This amazing new tobacco plant is all-natural and therefore must be healthy. Right?
Worth it.
Don’t let disease get you down. Fight through your illness with our bold new method of denying its existence! You’ll be healthy in no time!
I mean who knows, right?
It’s for the best.
You know, for the health benefits.
The bros got Vince through eight seasons and one movie.
I had tried everything.
It’s not hard to make these small changes in your life, it just takes a little planning and a TON of constant anxiety.
Immortality is now just a click away.
Fuck! Are you feeling this?
Bunny Ears has your back when it comes to your Health and Wellness.